✨ I'm an 🇨🇦 Ontario-based Visual & Motion Designer with over a decade of experience in digital design.

🪄 I work with startups, designers, and agencies to bring their stories and products to life with stunning visuals, smooth motion design and carefully crafted micro-interactions. I can give your designs a soul!

🔍 Before freelancing, I was a Senior Interaction Designer @ Google AR/VR

👓 As a Visual Designer @ North (acquired by Google in 2020) I helped design the UX/UI for the world’s first prescription smart glasses.

🎨 I’ve also had the pleasure of working at various startups as a UX/Visual Designer, collaborating with teams and individuals to craft delightful & easy to use products.

🔰 Currently I'm mixing my passion for visual design, motion design & illustration with:
☕️ A lot of coffee
❤️ Time with family 
🛹 Cruising and skating 🛼

If you’d like to work together 👉 let’s get in touch!